Decarbonisation of Residential Sector

July 2, 2021

On 2 July the 1st Project Board Meeting of the ‘Decarbonisation of Residential Sector in Bosnia and Herzegovina' project financed by Sweden and implemented by UNDP was held. The purpose of the meeting was to mark the beginning of project implementation and to discuss, formulate and establish management structure and re-visit key implementation modalities that will serve as a guideline of future successful project implementation.

The Project aims to affect one of the biggest challenges related of residential sector in BiH - neglected, outdated, energy inefficient building stock which significantly contributes to ineffective use of energy across the country, as well as to air pollution which adversely affects health conditions of the population. WHO data shows that 27% of all deaths in Bosnia and Herzegovina are attributable to the environment. At the same time specific energy demand in residential buildings is substantially higher than in other countries located in similar climatic zones, which is a consequence of poor energy performance of the housing stock.

The three-year project aims to build foundations for the development of municipal financial mechanisms for the implementation of energy efficiency measures on residential buildings while generating green jobs and reducing CO2 emissions. The activities will be rolled out in 36 municipalities.

The Project Board meeting was attended by representative’s donor Embassy of Sweden, Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Environmental Protection Fund of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund of Republika Srpska and implementor.

Project will focus on 36 municipalities across BiH that have expressed their commitment towards sustainable future by active participation in formulation of Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plans (SECAPs) and will:

  • Provide Energy Efficiency Studies of residential sector for each individual city/municipality including the needs of vulnerable groups that can will be covered by energy efficiency improvement studies. 
  • Formulate overall Municipal/City financial and policy mechanisms for implementation of energy efficiency measures mechanisms (tailored to the realities and needs of individual local community) under this project and beyond. Number of relevant institutions and professionals will be strengthened in parallel with establishment of the system that enables financing for energy efficiency infrastructure projects, while generating green jobs and reducing CO2 emissions.
  • Facilitate public awareness-raising campaign and citizens' education in win-win energy efficiency benefits.