Guidelines for the Management and Maintenance of Thermal Systems in Public Buildings


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Guidelines for the Management and Maintenance of Thermal Systems in Public Buildings

July 21, 2014

Guidelines for the management and maintenance of thermal systems in public buildings, with focus on boilers using biomass, are aiming to raise public awareness and familiar people that directly or indirectly operate and maintain these systems with practical information and advice for proper, safe and efficient operation of the system.

As more and more public facilities moves ( exceeds) from  biomass fuels, in order to introduce it to their thermal needs, this document may contribute to increasing the efficiency of heating systems through proper management, servicing and maintenance of the system described in the Guidelines.

Guidelines for the management and maintenance of thermal systems in public buildings tend to familiarize readers with the entire range of thermal energy systems, theory of combustion and energy division to a description of boiler plants, optimizing working efficiency and proper maintenance and management of boilers and heating systems for biomass.

The relevant guidelines for the management and maintenance of thermal systems in public facilities provide an overall picture of the most important factors of heating systems and may serve well  to create a general knowledge of thermal energy systems.

Guidelines for the management and maintenance of thermal systems in public buildings, with focus on biomass boilers, are written with the assistance of the Environmental Fund of the Federation of B&H, the Fund for Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency of the Republic of Srpska and the United Nations Development Programme in Bosnia and Herzegovina (UNDP) and strive to contribute to the activities of these organizations / institutions in the field of reducing CO2 emissions in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

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