Landslide Risk Management Study in BH

Landslide Risk Management Study in BH

September 28, 2016

The aim of the Landslide Risk Management Study is to provide a detailed assessment of the current situation in the field of landslide risk management in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and suggest guidelines and recommendations which could improve different segments of the process based on international experience, and create the conditions for the application of risk management of landslides within the existing system of government and its institutions.

Development of the Study is based on the analysis of the current situation across all levels of risk management and throughout the entire process - from collecting data on landslides and creating databases (inventory) of landslides, collecting population data and other elements of the risk assessment methods across hazards and risks, model risk treatment and finally risk management. In addition to the analysis of the relevant legislation, a comparative analysis was also carried out for legislation relating to all levels of the process in risk treatment in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Republika Srpska and the Brčko District. Comparative analysis of the situation in BIH and international standards has brought about recommendations for real improvements at certain levels, and the landslide risk management process in Bosnia and Herzegovina as a whole.

Meeting the objectives of the Study includes the following necessary steps, thoroughly explained in the following sections, namely: consistency with other related initiatives, terminological consensus, review and analysis of existing laws and bylaws, results of users surveys, review and analysis of international documents and best practices in the field of landslide risk management, proposed methodology for landslide hazard and risk assessment from the national to the local level, as well as the proposal of the institutional framework for the implementation of risk management.