Green Jobs - Analysing the Employment Impact of Energy Efficiency Measures in BiH

Green Jobs - Analysing the Employment Impact of Energy Efficiency Measures in BiH

December 15, 2016

The term “green jobs” denotes employment opportunities in areas related to environmental protection. “Green jobs” are particularly suited to the construction sector as the usual structure of energy consumption is such that buildings consume the most energy, and as such are subject to energy performance improvements. Improving the energy performance of buildings and implementation of relevant measures delivers a range of benefits, job creation being one of the most important ones.

The purpose of this study is to analyse and present the effects of investment in energy efficiency and renewable energy (EERE) on direct employment in BiH. Direct employment means employment generated as a result of the increase in demand for goods and services directly related to the implementation of EERE measures.

For the purposes of assessing direct employment effects, the research team analysed data on the EERE measures applied in 34 buildings. In each of the buildings, all or some of the EERE measures were implemented, with total value of KM 6,555,636. Based on the applicable building standards defining the time required by type of works, works on tha the aforementioned buildings created 322 full-time jobs.

The key information used to compare investments and effects in different economic sectors is the number of FTE jobs per €1 million investment in EERE measures. According to calculations, €1 million spent in EERE measures generates 96 FTEs.

Document Type
Regions and Countries