Empowering Lives, Building Resilience


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Empowering Lives, Building Resilience

1 August 2013

This publication features success stories from 16 countries where UNDP support has resulted in transformative changes, including by fostering the growth of institutional and human capacities.

To qualify as a transformational success, a story needed to demonstrate tangible and sustainable achievements, substantiated by data and personal testimonies. Since these depend on significant changes in institutions, attitudes and behaviours, which require long-term efforts, each story chronicles a development intervention that generally spans a 5-to-10-year period.

The success stories in this publication show how UNDP has contributed to building the capabilities of government institutions, civil society and the private sector by providing seed funding, expertise and implementation support, and by bringing different parties together. Across the stories, several key factors emerge as critical to fostering long-term, transformational change. Foremost among these are: national ownership, capacity development, knowledge and innovation and partnerships.

Regions and Countries